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Core Concepts
Querying Content
Customizing Tina
Going To Production
Further Reference

Querying Tina Content in NextJS

In NextJS, content can be queried statically at build-time or dynamically at runtime (using SSR, or CSR).

Fetching content for static pages

Example: Fetching content through getStaticProps
// pages/home.js
import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
const getStaticProps = async () => {
let postResponse = {}
try {
postResponse = await client.queries.post({ relativePath: 'HelloWorld.md' })
} catch {
// swallow errors related to document creation
return {
props: {
data: postResponse.data,
query: postResponse.query,
variables: postResponse.variables,
Example: Fetching content through getStaticPaths

You'll likely want to query the Tina's Content API for dynamic routes.

export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const postListResponse = await client.queries.postConnection()
return {
paths: postListResponse.data.postConnection.edges.map((page) => ({
params: { filename: page.node._sys.filename },
fallback: 'blocking',
Next.js fallback: "blocking"

In Next.js one can specify fallback: "blocking", this allows getStaticProps to run server-side at request time when a user goes to a page that was not specified in getStaticPaths. This allows document-creation to work with Tina, as well as advanced NextJS features like ISR.

For a full working example of Tina + NextJS, check out our "Barebones Starter".

Fetching content for SSR pages

Example: Fetching content through getServerSideProps
// pages/home.js
import { client } from '../[pathToTina]/tina/__generated__/client'
const getServerSideProps = async () => {
let postResponse = {}
try {
postResponse = await client.queries.post({ relativePath: 'HelloWorld.md' })
} catch {
// swallow errors related to document creation
return {
props: {
data: postResponse.data,
query: postResponse.query,
variables: postResponse.variables,